Window replacements can be vital to homeowners for a variety of reasons, whether they’re being done out of necessity, for aesthetics, or for utility. Regardless of why you’re seeking to replace your old windows, Windows Exterior can help you handle a Window or Window Frame replacement in Savannah, Georgia (and surrounding areas) easily and effectively.

What To Expect with Our Window Replacements

The first step is contacting us to receive a free estimate. During this process, we’ll talk with you to discuss what your goals are for your window treatment and which options will best achieve those results. Our goal is never to upsell you; we simply want to make sure you’ve heard all the relevant information to make an informed choice.

Common issues we address include old or outdated windows, cracked or leaking windows that need immediate repair, windows that have become worn down in certain climate or weather conditions, or windows that are being upgraded for security, appearance, or home evaluation reasons.

Once we’ve agreed on an option for your home, we’ll get our experts out to your house to perform the replacement as soon as possible. Installation of new windows is an efficient process, and afterwards we’ll perform an inspection and quality check to ensure you are completely satisfied with your stunning new windows.

How Do I Know If I Need a Window Replacement?

Not every home has such an obvious need for a window replacement as a huge crack or leak. That said, there are a couple of hidden reasons that cause people to seek out our replacements preemptively, especially in the Savannah, Georgia area:

  • Efficiency Concerns. 25-30% of energy costs go right out of your window—unless you install energy efficient windows to help save on heating costs.
  • Climate. The sun in Georgia is particularly strong and direct in the summer, which can raise concerns about comfort and protecting home and homeowners from UV damage. Replacing your current windows with vinyl windows can help in this regard, as vinyl is uniquely formulated to withstand harsh weather, UV light, and southern climate exposure.
  • Maintenance. Depending on the type of window you have, you could benefit from switching to a low-maintenance option designed for long-term, residential use.
  • Durability. Depending on when your home was built, it’s possible that your windows are approaching the end of their average life (15-20 years), leaving you vulnerable to weakened seals, open drafts, and water seepage.

About Our Windows

All of the windows we use at Windows Exterior are manufactured and optimized for durability, energy efficiency, and security, incorporating the newest modern techniques to achieve better performance year after year. In addition to a guarantee on performance and energy savings, we offer various options when it comes to customization to make each window a great fit for your personal style.

Replacing your old windows with newer, more modern models provides long-term returns on your investment, increases your home’s value, and allows you to benefit from newer glass-making techniques and materials.